Gabriel had an appointment with a children's cardiologist today. It was very convenient as he comes once a week to our pediatrician's office. Gabriel had a heart murmur at birth, which resulted in many trips to the NICU during our three-day hospital stay. However, we were told that it went away before we left the hospital. A couple months ago, however, he came down a really bad cold with a hacking cough and fever (not pleasant, poor thing, he was having a hard time sleeping). It got really bad over a weekend and a brought him into the local urgent care. The doctor there mentioned that he had a heart murmur and recommended we follow up with our pediatrician.
The pediatrician said he didn't think it was anything serious, but he recommended that we make an appointment with the cardiologist that visits every week just to be sure. They did both an EKG and an ultrasound and while he does have a heart murmur - three different ones, actually - none of them are serious and will not affect his ability to play sports, should he desire to do so. Gabriel was so good for the appointment. He wouldn't talk to the doctor or his nurse, but he was very cooperative, despite the fact that he had to be very still for long periods (a couple minutes for the EKG, about 15 for the ultrasound). He was rewarded with stickers, which are always a hit. I am glad we got him checked out and even more glad that it was nothing serious.
Today is also my birthday. Yes, I share the same birthday as Britney Spears, and coincidentally, I am exactly the same age. It was nice. I actually got the new Britney CD from Pigpen (have you heard her Womanizer single, it's pretty catchy). And Gabriel made me cupcakes. Well, he helped my MIL make me cupcakes - chocolate, with chocolate frosting. We dropped him off at my MIL's after his appointment and they made cupcakes. It was so cute, they had me close my eyes when I walked into the house and then they put a party hat on me, Gabriel, and Nick and had me blow out the candles (matches) in two cupcakes while they sang me happy birthday. I also got a present from my mom (pumpkin candy and candle, always a hit), a gift card from my dad, an e-card from my brother, a candle and Burt's Bees products from my SIL, and a nice card from my MIL and FIL.
We didn't go out to dinner tonight, but we are going out in a couple of weeks. Pigpen's birthday is on the 30th. So we're going out to lunch, just the two of us, on the 13th and then that evening we're going out to dinner with his parents. The next day we're going to Elmo Live. I'll have to remember to tell you how that goes.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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