My favorite part of my boys night time routine has always been bedtime stories, and not because it is the last activity before they go to sleep. Not that I don't enjoy the three hours between their bedtime and mine. I can spend that time exercising, doing homework, maybe relaxing, which usually involve watching TV or reading, sometime in a bath and sometimes with wine.
But I digress. Reading has always been a favorite pastime of mine, so I was eager to share it with my children. I have been reading to Gabriel since I brought him home from the hospital. Gabriel also really enjoys story time. He will even stay up past bedtime sometimes and flip through his books. Not that he can read yet, but he still loves to look at the pictures. Nick also seems to be fascinated by books. And not just to chew on. He loves books that have things to feel, and anything that involves Elmo.
I always read them three books before bed. Two for Gabriel and one for Nick. Gabe loves to sit in my lap while I read him his two stories. During this time Nick is roaming around on the bed. Sometimes he'll play with a toy, sometimes he'll try to attack Gabriel or the book. Other times, if Pigpen has the computer on the bed he'll try to attack that. It's amusing to watch. I compare him to a kitten. He likes to pounce, and he has claws (I'm terrible about not cutting his fingernails, he's so squirmy I don't want to hurt him and I never remember when he's sleeping).
After I read Gabriel's stories, then it is Nick's turn to sit on my lap for his story - usually a short board book. This doesn't always work out well, especially if he decides he is so hungry he has to eat right now or else, then it involves a very squirmy, fussy baby. If he is in a good mood, especially if it is a touch and feel book, story time goes well. His current favorite touch and feel book is That's Not My Snowman. Very cute. Gabe loves most stories - Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is always a favorite, as is anything that involves Mickey Mouse Club House, Little Einsteins, Handy Manny, or Curious George.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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