This weekend was nice. My MIL watched the boys while Pigpen and I went out to dinner on Valentine's Day. We went to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner, and then followed it with sundaes from McDonald's :) It was nice. I got a blue tooth headset for my phone, which I have been needing. I got Pigpen a dozen chocolate covered strawberries and a heart-shaped cookie from the boys. Gabe stayed the night at my MIL's, so he could go to Sunday school with her in the morning.
On Sunday we went bowling with some friends of ours, who have a son who's about a six or so months older than Gabe. I'm trying to remember when his birthday is. Any way. The kids had a good time, and so did we. We played two sets. I didn't break a hundred either time, but then, I never claimed to be any good at bowling. It was really nice to get Gabe together with someone his age, and to socialize. We don't do it that often.
So Nick is in the process of getting both his top front teeth, which will bring his grand total to four. Four teeth at eleven months. And he is not happy about it. He's up every hour to hour and a half at night to complain about it. In other words, I'm really tired. I'm not sure what to do, other than comfort him. He's not interested in any medicine at night. No Orajel or baby Tylenol, and gets rather offended if I try to give him anything. During the day he i s more than happy to take something, but not at night. This is something he shares with his brother. Gabe is also very resistant to taking any kind of medicine at night.
In addition, I discovered that Nick's diaper had leaked at about 2 AM. Luckily, it didn't get his bed wet, but his pajamas had to be changed. He was not happy about that. My only consolation is that he is not taking long to get back to sleep when he wakes in discomfort. I just hope those teeth hurry up and break through. The one on the right is almost through; you can feel the ridges right under the gums. I don't remember teething being as painful with Gabe as it seems to be for Nick.
Despite the number of times that Nick had me up last night, and the difficulty I had getting Gabe back to sleep when he woke up around 3:30 AM (he has a hard time just about every morning when Pigpen leaves for work), I still got up and worked out this morning. I missed all of last week due to the stomach bug, so I needed to make sure I didn't start off the week by missing a day. I was tired, but felt good when I was finished. Tomorrow is my last day on level 2 of the 30 Day Shred. On Thursday I will move up to level 3. I can hardly wait, really...
When I spoke with my MIL this morning I was happy to hear that both boys had eaten well for breakfast. Gabe has always been a sporadic eater, so it's nice to hear when he actually eats enough to fill him up. And Nick has had trouble shaking that stomach bug, plus the teething. He didn't eat much this weekend, and really wasn't interested in bottles of any sort. All he seemed to want to do was nurse, which was hard, since I am starting the weaning process, so my milk supply is reduced.
In other [sad] news, Pigpen's puppy, a beautiful pure-bred Chihuahua, passed away this morning due to kidney failure. Although, he was not really a puppy, since he was almost 10 years old. He has been living with my in-laws for the past couple years since we haven't exactly lived places that were animal-friendly. Plus we work all day. My MIL was very attached to him, so she's pretty sad. And Pigpen got him when he was about six months old, so of course he's pretty sad about it too, that was his puppy. And poor Gabe. Try explaining to a three-year-old where their pet went.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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