I've been dealing with a stomach virus for the past week. First Gabe got it, then Nick (who still hasn't gotten over it) and then me. Gabe only threw up once and then seemed to be over it. In fact, his appetite has been pretty good the past week. Nick, however, has thrown up multiple times. Four times in the course of 24 hours last Sunday. The fourth time was in the middle of the night and it got everywhere - even in my hair. Ew! Plus, his appetite has been weak, and he's normally a great eater. He's also been extra cranky and clingy, again not like him. I feel so bad for him.
I ended up succumbing Tuesday morning. I managed to work two half days Tuesday and Wednesday, but then came both days and napped. It seemed to help. I didn't throw up, but My stomach hurt and I didn't have much of an appetite. I was still a little iffy yesterday, but I am doing much better today. Thank goodness. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I am looking forward to going out on a date with Pigpen. The last thing I want to be is sick.
Since I wasn't feeling well Wednesday, I stayed home with Gabe while Pigpen took Nick to gym class. I have wanted Pigpen to take Nick any way, just to interact with him there and see how much Nick likes it, so this ended up being the perfect opportunity. And Gabe and I had a nice time together, as well. I so seldom get alone time with him. He usually prefers anybody but me. He was very cooperative and we enjoyed our story time together.
Pigpen said Nick impressed his teacher with his ability to stand, crouch down and pick something up, and stand back up without falling over. It's a recently acquired skill. Nick has been working on standing independently over the last few weeks, but keeping his balance while picking up something has only developed over the last week. I love watching my boys learn new skills; it just feels like they are growing up so fast. Nick's new skill in the class was flipping over one of the bars, which he enjoyed.
Speaking of gym class, we decided last Saturday to drop Gabe's gym class. He will still do his sports class on Fridays, but will stop his Saturday gym class. We spoke with the lead teacher, who instructs both classes, and she agrees that this is a good decisions. Gabe pays much better attention in his sports class, which is comprised of mainly boys, unlike his gym class, which is comprised of mainly girls. His Saturdays won't be empty for long - he starts soccer again in March. Pigpen should be coaching, so hopefully, it will go better this time around.
I'm enjoying a nice break from school. My statistics class ended on Monday, so I have a short break before my next class starts. Thankfully, it has nothing to do with math. This week has been bad for exercise, what with Nick and me being sick all week. Hopefully next week will be better so I can pick my routine back up. I'm below my prepregnancy weight, but still not at my lowest weight, so more work to be done. I've been enjoying my workouts, and while I'm not a morning person (nothing will ever convince me that I should be), I do feel better when I start my day with a workout, especially my iFit treadmill workouts.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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