One of the first things Pigpen bought for Gabriel after we found out we were pregnant was a Ty Plush Beanie Monkey. At about 10 months of age Gabriel became attached to it so we bought a back up. The back up monkey has morphed into about 12 monkeys altogether to include 2 blue special baby editions that we picked up at Hallmark. The blue monkey is apparently the king of all the other monkeys. The reason behind purchasing the monkey was that Pigpen likes monkeys. So, I decided that I would pursue Giraffes, which I happen to be rather fond of, for Nick.
Luckily he seems to be agreeable to that fact. We did an animal theme for his nursery and he was always interested in the giraffe on his mobile the most. He likes his Giraffe Ty Plush Beanie, although he has not grown as attached to is as Gabriel grew to his monkeys, but then Nick is only 8-months-old. His newest favorite toy is one of the Little People Giraffes (or both of them, I guess) from the Little People Touch and Feel Noah's Ark. He liked chewing on his Little People Ship Captain and his Little People Touch and Feel Neon Green Baby Triceratops, but his Touch and Feel Giraffes are the best of all for holding (nice skinny necks) and chewing. They now travel everywhere with him. I am pleased, as I have a rather nice collection of giraffes - in a box - that I would be more than happy to share with him at some point.
Speaking of putting everything in his mouth, this is still a new concept for me. Of course I read in all the baby magazines and books that babies put everything in their mouths... But Gabriel didn't. He wanted his pacifier, pretty much from day one and that was it, other than say milk, preferably from a bottle as that most resembled his pacifier. Nick, on the other hand, will put ANYTHING into his mouth, toys, fingers, magnets, cords, straps, blankets, tags, you name it and he will probably try to put it in his mouth. Which is why I am more than happy to offer him the entire army of little people toys and animals (that we bought for Gabe who never was really interested) to put into his mouth. And if he still prefers the giraffes above all else, I won't complain.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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