We have reached the last first for Nick. His first Easter, which being in April, came after his first birthday. He loved it. We put most of his eggs in his Easter basket (mostly filled with Fisher Price Little People or Sesame Street characters, but a few had money). He also got a couple of stuffed animals, a couple small age-appropriate and a light up duck, which he thought was great. Although, I think he was more interested in the eggs than their contents.
In addition to eggs, Gabe also got jelly beans and M&Ms. Most of his eggs had Matchbox cars in them, which he really liked, as we have never bought him cars before. We've been pretty strict about following the age recommendations on toys. His favorite car was the Lightening McQueen car. He loved hunting around our house for the eggs and then eagerly opening them to see what they contained. He had such a good time! I loved watching him; it just drove home one of the greatest joys of the holiday - the exuberant joy that can only be displayed by a child.
After Gabe hunted for eggs we had breakfast - Pigpen picked up McDonalds. Afterwards we got Gabe ready for church. He goes with my MIL every Sunday, and he really is enjoying it. Eventually, once we are settled, Pigpen and I plan to find a church that we all can go to . However, we are not there yet. Right now, I am just glad that Gabe has the opportunity to go and wants to go. If he did not want to go, we certainly would not make him.
We went over to my MIL's for a late lunch and more Easter egg hunting. We picked up Boston Market for everybody on the way over, so that my MIL wouldn't have to cook, although she did make a bunch of deviled eggs, because Pigpen loves them. Some of the eggs were from cracked eggs that Gabe had decorated earlier in the week. He was so proud of his eggs. He picked out his decorating kit this year - Marvel Superheroes.
Pigpen and I helped hide the eggs in the backyard - all these eggs had money in them. Nick even "helped" look, although it was more coaching from Mommy on where to look, than Nick actually finding eggs. He enjoyed it though. Gabe had so much fun. After he found all his eggs, he wanted to hide them again and have us look for them. We got a lot of great pictures, even some cute family ones. Although when they will ever make it into an album, I'm not sure, but at least I have them.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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